Looking to upscale your business?

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What are you looking for?

1. To increase my business visibility

2. Attract more customers to my business today

3. Receive instant access to hot and live leads

How it works?

Instant Alerts

Receive immediate, real-time leads directly to your phone whenever someone seeks your service

Contact Leads

You can choose to contact these leads, with each contact requiring a small fee deducted from their wallet


Create your businesses account in minutes

Convert Sales

Turn leads into revenue-generating deals

30+ Categories

Find your perfect fit - explore our diverse range of categories to find the right fit for you


Stay connected and receive timely reminders for new leads, inquiries or any pending contacts

Our Mission

Providing a seamless digital ecosystem where service-based businesses and users seeking tailored solutions can connect and work together.

How to access or contact leads?

Select Amount

Purchase our lead packs to access the leads